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Joint Issues : India - Soviet Union

Stamp Design/Theme: Paintings on Red Square in Moscow and An Elephant and Maharaja throne from India
India - Soviet Friendship Issue

Issue Date: 16.08.1990
Setenant Pair (20 Stamps in a sheet)
Denomination: Rs. 1 and Rs. 6.50 each.

Soviet Union
Issue Date: 16.08.1990
Setenant Pair (18 Pairs in a sheet)
Denomination: 10 K Each.

In the direction of mutual understanding and co-operation,the Soviet Union and India embarked on a joint venture in the field of stamp issue. Both countries held a competition among children below the ageof 17 years in the second half of 1989 for designing a stamp. Indian children were to design a stamp on a Russian theme and reciprocally, Soviet children were to design a stamp on an Indian theme.

The design of the Indian stamp on Russian theme is based on the prize-winning painting of Sanjay Adhikari, VIII Std, Kalakendra, Chandernagore while, the design of the Russian stamp on an Indian theme is based on the painting of Vorontsova Tanya of Kishnikov, Maldovia.

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