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Virtual Exhibits

To facilitate online study and to have in-depth idea about the Exhibits on Indian aspects, we are providing links to the Exhibits which are available online. These examples of Exhibits will certainly help to those who are collecting on similar subjects as a refence material.

EXPONET is a place where you find Virtual Philatelic Exhibits in different languages. The aim of the organizers of EXPONET is to provide a permanent presentation of high quality Philatelic exhibits so as to facilitate on-line study for visitors throughout the world. Idea of Virtual Exhibition is not to compete with traditional exhibits, but rather to enable on-line viewing of exhibits to everyone, regardless of distance, and thus take part in the support and promotion of philately.

We have linked all exhibits listed in this section to the Virtual Exhibits displayed on EXPONET.

Our Sincere thanks to Exponet

Mr. Prashant Pandya is an Indian Representative for EXPONET Virtual Philatelic Exhibition. Philatelists willing to display their exhibit on Exponet are requested to contact through email.

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