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Army Covers

Army Postal Service functions as a part of the countrywide postal setup but administratively it is under Army. Though a part of the Army, Army Postal Service provides Postal, Remittance, Savings & Insurance services to Army, Indian Navy, Air Force and Paramilitary forces personnel through Field Post Offices established across the country. It also provides cover to Indian troops deployed with United Nations Peace Keeping Forces abroad.

Origin of APS dates back to 1856 when the first FPO accompanied the British Expeditionary forces to Persia. FPOs continued to be requisitioned by the Army from the Dept of Posts to accompany Expeditionary Forces till World War I. During World War II volunteers from the Dept of P & T were drawn as combatants to run the FPOs. In 1947 when Indian troops were rushed to J & K, the handful of personnel, who remained with the occupation forces in Japan, were sent to provide postal services to the troops. This group germinated into the present Army Postal Service.

Initially the organisation was affiliated to the ASC. In Mar 1972, APS was formed into a separate Corps.

The Philatelic Bureau started functioning in APS from 18 Jul 1970. These are functioning at 1 CBPO and 2 CBPO to cater to the needs of Armed Forces personal and their families. This Bureau is the special cancellation of special cover is done by "56 APO" and "99 APO" respectively.

Philatelic activity of the Department of Post also reflects the significant role of our defence forces through commemorative stamps on various significant themes. Army Postal Service, on its own, also brings out a good number of special Army Covers or Army Special Covers to commemorate landmarks in the history of Battalions, Regiments, Squadrons and Flag Ships of the Defence Forces like Centenary, Reunion and other momentous occasions and achievements.

Army Day Army Cover 15 Jan 1971


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