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Indian Themes from Foreign Countries

Stamps and other philatelic material related to Indian personalities and Indian themes issued by Foreign Countries

We all knows that stamps are known as the windows of a country. Through stamps, one can understand a country’s heritage, culture, policies, achievements and great personalities.

Indian stamps reflect on both, the past cultural glories of a dynamic nation and the current aspirations of a people. Indian stamps have been issued on many themes - relating to history, architecture, nature, culture and heritage.

India has formal diplomatic relations with most nations; it is the world's second most populous country, the world's most-populous democracy and one of the fastest growing major economies. India's growing international influence gives it a prominent voice in global affairs.

Indian personalities and themes are very popular in many countries. Famous Indian personalities, national flag, national emblem, map of India, mythology, festivals, ancient civilisations, heritage sites and buildings, costumes, languages, music, painting, dances, sports, Indian culture and tradition, Gods and Goddesses etc. can be found on many stamps of various countries.

This section is created to enlist such stamps of various different countries, representing Indian themes. This is an effort to furnish information about the various countries that have issued stamps on Indian themes.

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