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Philavision - Philatelic Vision & Creativity

The words “vision” and “creativity” are used all the time: What do they really mean? Vision and creativity are concepts that are often used interchangeably in today’s world.

A vision for the future is vitally important for any kind of activity to establish a strategic horizon and Creativity may simply be defined as using the imagination in designing and actualizing the production.

In recent past vision and creativity of philatelists has invented a new sideline in Indian Philately. That is private commemorative covers. With easy accessibility of computers and colour printers one can create a commemorative covers at this pleasure and then post the same to make it more authentic and presentable. Many philatelists are making such covers for their joy and satisfaction and not for commercial gain, but some are manufacturing the same for some gain or profit. Still, this creativity gives joy and happiness to the creator and who get it. This sideline is getting momentum, as many philatelists are making their own covers by seeing covers made by other philatelists. Best thing with this sideline, is one can make such covers without permission from the Department of Posts, because one does not need a Special Cancellation, which is permitted only by the Department of Posts.

These covers have just one minus point, i.e. sometimes the date cancellations provided by the Department of Posts are not clear. And this makes the cover not presentable. Therefore, I make an appeal to Department of Posts, on behalf of all philatelists to provide clear date cancellations on philatelic mails.

‘Philavision’ section is devoted to philatelic creations by philatelists on various aspects of Indian Philately.

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