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Home » Permanent Pictorial Cancellations

Permanent Pictorial Cancellations

A Pictorial Cancellation is a postmark, which shows replica / photo / design or a picture highlighting a tourist, religious, historical or an important place or thing. Thus Pictorial Cancellations give wide publicity mainly to places of tourist interest and they are provided at the post offices which are located near such places of tourist attraction.

As per available information, Pictorial Cancellations of permanent nature were first provided sometime in 1951. Such known cancellations are from Qutab Minar, Sanchi, Ajanta etc. Known example of "Sanchi, Bihar" is of 30th Nov. 1952, examples of "Qutab Minar" are of 10th Nov. 1954, 12th Oct. 1955 and 29th Nov. 1960 and example of "Ajanta" is of 8th June 1965. Another example of Sanchi is of 13th May 1965.


Second phase of Pictorial Cancellations of permanent nature, started on and from 1st Jan. 1965. Five known examples are from "Sanchi, Ajanta, Ellora, Khajuraho and Mahabalipuram:.

The third phase started in 1974. Slowly but steadily this Pictorial Cancellations were introduced from all places of interest, through out India.

Images Courtesy : Shri Ashok Kumar Bayanwala (Ahemedabad)

This letter box is located at a historical site Somnathpur in Karnataka. Letters posted in this letter box receives permanent pictorial cancellation of Kesava temple.

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