This is an official website of Indian Philatelists' Forum * Join Indian Philatelists' Forum * This is an official website of Indian Philatelists' Forum
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Membership is not required to browse this website. You will need a Username and Password to access the ‘Philatelists’ Directory’ and other restricted pages available on our website. Only Registered members will be provided Username and Password to access this area. Philatelists’ Directory provides full information about philatelists with their full contact information, collecting interests, membership with various philatelic organisations etc.


Membership is free to all philatelists residing in India or philatelists from Overseas who are collecting on any aspect of Indian Philately. Whether you are a beginner or have collected for years, we welcome you to join and register as member. Please fill in the Registration Form available online. All fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) must be filled in. When finished, simply press the "Submit Form" button at the bottom. Please make sure your email address is accurate otherwise you will not receive your username and password.


The motto of creating Philatelists’ Directory is to provide a common platform to the true, genuine and dedicated stamp collectors so that there may be sincere and fruitful interaction amongst the members. Membership to this forum is not suitable for non-philatelists and so their membership request will be discouraged and disallowed. Therefore, all the applicants for registration to Philatelists’ Directory are requested to provide either of the following:

  • References of two well known philatelists with their contact numbers.
  • Membership details of any philatelic organisation with the membership number.
  • Details of PDA account with any philatelic bureau with relevant evidence.
  • Copy of Certificate of participation in any philatelic / stamp exhibition.


We do encourage registrations of new entrants or beginners who are not able to provide any of above references / evidences. In such case, we request them to provide us with any relevant information to prove that they are a genuine stamp collector/philatelist and seriously interested in philately to help us to process their request for registration.


Above requirement is mandatory to prevent fake / spam registrations from persons who are not genuine philatelists / stamp collectors. 


Interested in becoming member ? Fill in the membership form.

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Registered Philatelists: 870 as on 16.01.2020 5:53 PM