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Shri N. D. Cooper

N. D. CooperN. D. Cooper (b. November 8, 1885) was a founder member of Empire of India Philatelic Society. He took stamp collecting at an early age, viz. in February 1893. Till 1908, he used to collect stamps of whole world as it was the vogue in those days; for six years more, he devoted his attention to the stamps of the British Empire including India. After First World War he was attracted towards ‘war issues’. This studious pursuit in philately led Shri Cooper to build up specialised collections of Cape Triangulars and Hong Kong Treaty Ports.

This specialisation led to his eternal love for Indian Classics and earned him the most deserving reputation for his deep knowledge of these issues. Plating the classics, Indian Cancellations, India used abroad and Early Indian First Flights remained his major interest for decades till his failing eyesight compelled him to sell out his collections.

Shri N D. Cooper, Sir Eric Studd, Col. D. R. Martin and Shri C. D. Desai, jointly produced "The Substituted Transfers in India One Anna 1854", which revolutionized Indian Philately on the subject. He was also a President of the Philatelic Society of India.

Shri Cooper was a share broker connected with the Bombay Stock Exchange for more than 50 years.

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