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Shri Murarilal Pittie (M. G. Pittie)

M. G. PittieShri M. G. Pittie (b. 1941 - d. March 6, 2010) Born into the illustrious Pittie family of Hyderabad was a well known philatelist of India. He was very active in philately from a young age.

Shri Pittie was a Vice President of the Hyderabad Philatelic and Hobbies Society from 1971 to 2000 and its President since 2001. He was also a founder member of the Philatelic Congress of India (PCI). He was its Governing Council member since its inception, Secretary General from 1982 to 1986, Vice President from 1990 to 1996, President-Elect from 1996-1998 and President from 1998 to 2000. He also served as Secretary General and Vice President of the Federation of Inter Asian Philately (FIAP). Shri Pittie was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London (FRPSL) in 1989.

Shri M. G. Pittie had formed one of the best collections of the Hyderabad Princely State Stamps, Postal Stationery, Postal History, Revenue Stamps and Stamp Papers. He had won four Large Gold Medals at FIP World Exhibitions for his collections of Hyderabad Princely State and subsequently displayed his exhibit in the Court of Honours in several exhibitions.

He had played an instrumental role in organizing several Asian International and FIP World Philatelic Exhibitions held in India. He was also a member of the Executive Committee of the ASIANA 77 and INDIA 80 exhibitions. Shri Pittie was also a member of Organising Committee of INDEPEX 97 and Co-Vice Chairman of INDEPEX ASIANA 2000.

Shri M. G. Pittie also served as National Commissioner at various International Philatelic Exhibitions and also as a Jury at Philatelic Exhibitions of all levels including International Philatelic Exhibitions. He was FIP and FIAP accredited Jury Team Leader and Juror. Shri Pittie was a humble, kind hearted, pious and affectionate person.

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