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Shri Deoki Nandan Jatia (D. N. Jatia)

D. N. JatiaD. N. Jatia (b. September 25, 1930 - d. November 12, 2000), played a vital role in the development and growth of Indian Philately. He was largely responsible for placing India prominently on the world philatelic map.

His first attempt in stamp collecting was under Thematic during the school days. India International Centenary Exhibition in 1954 was his first exhibition attempt, but his real success came from first INPEX 1970, at which, he was awarded two gold medals. He was awarded the Grand Prix in National Class in INDIPEX 1973, New Delhi. He was the first Indian to win gold with special prize at the international exhibition abroad in Switzerland 1974 and thereafter in several other world exhibitions. D N Jatia was the first Indian to be invited to be member of international jury in Paris 1975, following which he was invited by practically every world exhibition.

D. N. Jatia played pioneering role in formation of Philatelic Congress of India in 1975 and he was the first president of PCI. He remained President of Inter-Asia Philatelic Federation (FIAP) from 1981 to 1987. He was elevated to sign the Role of Distinguished Philately (RDP) in 1983 the highest honor bestowed upon a Philatelist in the world. He became the president of International Philatelic Federation (FIP) in 1990 and remained as President till 1998. Mr. Jatia was a member of the Philatelic Advisory Committee of India Post for a very long term. He played a dominant role in organizing international exhibitions in India, in the years 1977, 1980, 1989, and 1997 and as the Senior Advisor to INDEPEX-ASIANA 2000.

'From the diary of Stephen H. Smith', 'Diaries of W.T. van Sommeren and A.B. Thompson' and 'India's bi-coloured four-annas, 1854' have been authored by Mr. D. N. Jatia. Portrait of Mr. D. N. Jatia is featured on the Miniature Sheet issued on “Gems and Jewellery” to mark the Inauguration of Indepex Asiana 2000 on the Inaugural Day of the exhibition on 7th December 2000.

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