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Forgotten Biography

Shri D. Madhao Rao

D. MadhaoraoDharnikot Madhao Rao of Bhopal (b. February 1931 - d. January 24, 2006), often misspelled as D. Madhav Rav, was a very popular personality in Madhya Pradesh Philately, especially among the new comers and the youth. Juniors found a mentor in him and seniors had a great helping hand in persona of Madhao Rao. He added a large number of Philatelists to the hobby with his helping deeds. He never said “NO” to anybody for anything he could do, for philately. His entire family was fully devoted towards the hobby. He was employed with the postal department and was in charge of the philatelic section in the office of the PMG at Bhopal. He had worked with a number of PMGs deeply interested in philately, like Col. Shiv Kumar, Smt. Susheela Chaurasia, India’s First lady PMG & illustrious Ajoy Bagchi.

He was a distinguished thematic philatelist of India and his contribution to the development of thematic philately is immense. In January 1980, he organised the very first specialized philatelic organisation of the country, the Indian Topical Association (ITA) to promote Thematic Philately in India. He remained the Executive Secretary of the ITA for about 20 years. He was behind the efforts which enthroned Thematic Philately in India at a much respected place. He also edited the journal of the ITA, the ‘TOP PHIL’, (earlier known as the Topics), till the last.

He was the General Secretary of the Madhya Pradesh Philatelic Society, Bhopal, one of the earliest registered societies for promotion of philately, and was instrumental in organizing a number of state level activities in M.P; including Mappex Series of the Exhibitions by the Madhya Pradesh Postal Circle. He also worked as the Vice President of Madhya Pradesh Philatelic Federation.
He had huge collections and his favorite themes were “Discovery of India” and the “Indian Culture”. He also collected India & Great Britain. He received a large number of medals in National and International Philatelic Exhibitions. His countless articles on philatelic issues were published in various news papers, magazines and souvenirs. He was very frequently called for interviews and talks on philately on Radio & Television. He had conducted numerous Philatelic Workshops in Schools and also acted as Jury member at various Philatelic Exhibitions.

He met a scooter accident in October 1993 and had a head injury, which gradually forced him to restrict his active involvement in his most loved exertion, Philately. Shri Madhao Rao left for his heavenly abode on 24th January 2006 after a cardiac arrest, at Bhopal.

He is missed too much by the philatelists of Madhya Pradesh and thematic philatelists of India.

Contributed by : Shri Madan Middha, Gwalior

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