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Shri Raja A. K. Atal

Shri Raja A. K. AtalShri Raja A. K. Atal (b. 1914 - d. May 31, 1999) was a former Foreign Secretary and Ambassador of India in many countries. He was the son of Raja Amar Nath Atal, the Finance Minister of Jaipur State. His early education was in England in 1935 and he graduated from Oxford University. In 1946, he was selected for Indian Civil Services but later he joined the foreign services.

Raja A. K. Atal was collecting from his childhood. His father was a leading philatelist. He took great interest in the philatelic activities of Jaipur. Raja Atal was one of the judges in the national exhibition held in the City Palace, Jaipur. His unique collection of Jaipur and early issues of India were great source of inspiration to philatelists.

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